Ahnkang Hospital Specialty
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surgery is rarely necessary.
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Specialty at Ahnkang Hospital

Click on the area where you feel pain
to see the symptoms that may appear for each area.


Tension Headache

Tension headache occurs when neck and
scalp muscles become tense and persistently contract.

Pain appears bilateral with tightness and pressure across the forehead or sides of the head, and back of the head.



Migraine appears as a severe throbbing or
pulsing sensation from deep in the head, and

this may last up to 72 hours.


Occipital Neuralgia

Severe piercing, throbbing, or shock-like pain appears in the back of the head where the occipital nerve is distributed.

When the frequency of the pain increases, the pain may radiate along the head towards the face.


Cervical Spinal Stenosis

Cervical stenosis is the narrowing of the space through which the spinal nerve roots pass through. This can cause pain in the neck and the shoulders.

Tingling and numbness can develop in the upper limb.


Cervical Spinal Instability

Spinal instability is the instability of the spine caused by weakening or injury of the muscles that support the spine.

Spinal instability is also common in young people, and it can develop into various other spinal diseases.


Cervical Foraminal Stenosis

Cervical foraminal stenosis can cause tingling sensation starting from the cervical area when walking, but less intense when stilling still.

Due to weakness and the muscles and decreased sensation, this can lead to chronic fatigue. It is most often diagnosed in the middle ages and older population.


Cervical Herniated Disc

In cervical herniated disc, pain begins from the back of the neck and the shoulders. As the condition progresses, pain radiates to the arm, and tingling or tensing sensation can develop.

Pain exacerbates when lifting or rotating the head, often accompanied by headache and dizziness.


Cervical Radiculopathy

In cervical radiculopathy, symptoms appear as radiating pain along the skin innervated by the sensory nerves.

Pain usually begins from the medial side of the scapula. Pain appears when rotating the head.


Cervical Facet Arthropathy

Cervical facet arthropathy is a painful condition of the facet joint and the surrounding nerves.

Stiffness of the neck can be felt when rotating, flexing and extending the head, but pain may decrease during physical activity.


Tension Neck Syndrome

Symptoms of tension neck syndrome includes Stiffness and tingling sensation of the back of the neck and the shoulders, and headache. As time passes, the tingling sensation radiates to the arms and wrists.

When the condition becomes chronic,
it is accompanied by various other symptoms
such as anxiety, depression, tinnitus.


Ossification of Posterior Longitudinal Ligament

Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament is a disease in which the posterior ligament, one of the ligaments that connect and support between the backs of two vertebral bodies, become abnormally rigid.

Initially, it begins with a feeling of pressure, and it progresses to numbness and abnormal sensation of the hands, pain in the arms, and tingling pain around the neck.


Coat Hanger Pain

The back of the neck and the two shoulders form a coat-hanger like shape. Therefore, when pain occurs in the back of the neck and the area of trapezius, this is referred to as coat-hanger pain.

As one of the most common diseases in modern society, the suboccipital and shoulder area becomes very stiff, tense, and painful. Although most try to relieve the pain by tilting or stretching the neck to the sides, but symptoms only exacerbate.


Shoulder Subacromial Impingement Syndrome

Shoulder impingement syndrome is a disease caused by friction between the bone and the tendons of the rotator cuff.

Pain is most severe when raising the arm or lifting an object to the level of shoulders.


Shoulder Rotator Cuff Tear

When the rotator cuff muscles are injured, this can lead to weakness of the muscles, stiffness, and cracking sounds (crepitus) of the shoulders.

As pain gets worse, patient may develop sleep disorder due to extreme pain when lying down.


Shoulder Calcific Tendinitis
(Frozen Shoulder)

Frozen shoulder is characterized by acute and extreme pain, but pain may also develop gradually.

If the size of calcification is large, it can cause a secondary collision with the surrounding tissues during different movements and cause symptoms.


Adhesive Capsulitis of Shoulder

In adhesive capsulitis, the shoulder joint cannot move properly due to limitation in the range of motion.

The patient is unable to raise the arm or lift objects, and the shoulder joint often makes crackling sounds.


Shoulder Rotator Cuff Tendinitis

Rotator cuff tendinitis affects the tendons and muscles of the rotator cuff. Patients with tendinitis feel pain when raising their arms.

Since pain may disappear when lifted to the full extent, patients easily neglect the symptoms.


Shoulder Arthritis

The major symptom of shoulder arthritis is difficulty raising the arm due to pain and stiffness. Shoulder pain persists during sleep, leading to sleep disorders.

This also causes difficulty in carrying out daily activities such as changing clothes and reaching for objects on high shelves.


Shoulder Acromioclavicular Arthritis

In acromioclavicular arthritis, pain is localized in the upper shoulder. Pain exacerbates when the arm is lifted above shoulder level. Pain appears when trying to touch the other shoulder with the hand.

Pain also appears when pressure is applied to the affected joint. The upper shoulder appears to protrude.


Shoulder Biceps Tendinitis

A typical symptom of biceps tendinitis is pain
in the front of the shoulder.

Shoulder pain is triggered when making
a specific posture, such as raising the arm
with the palm facing upwards.


Shoulder Bursitis

Most lumps protruding out from bony areas are caused by bursitis.

Bursitis of the shoulder may be hard to recognize,
but causes pain and discomfort.


(Superior Labral tear from Anterior to Posterior)

SLAP tear is an injury to the labrum of the shoulder that causes pain when the biceps tendon and the cartilage in the inner portion of the shoulder joint tears off from the bone.

Pain and feeling of instability appear when the arm is raised upwards or backwards.


SICK Scapula

In SICK scapula, the scapula abnormally moves outward and becomes located lower than normal,

causing the inner lower part of the scapula to collide behind the back which can even be observed with the naked eye.


Lumbar Disc Herniation

In addition to radiating pain, weakness of the muscles, tingling of the legs, pressure like sensation of the lower limb and many other symptoms may appear.

In severe cases, dyspepsia or paralysis of the lower limb may also appear.


Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis causes chronic back pain with tingling sensation, numbness, tension and feeling of the lack of blood flow especially when walking or standing for a long time.

Patient is unable to lean back. The disease is characterized by exacerbation of pain upon physical activity, which is alleviated upon rest.


Spinal Instability, Cervical

In cervical instability, patients feel pain when the spine moves out of its normal range of motion due to instability. As this irritates the nerves innervating the lower extremities, pain also appears in the buttocks and the legs

Due to severe back pain that can radiate towards the lower limb, some patients are unable to walk.


Foraminal Stenosis

Pain in the lower extremities, inability to walk for a long time, weakness of the legs, numbness, tingling sensation and other symptoms may appear.

Im severe cases can result in defecation and urination abnormalities.



Symptoms include not only pain but also abnormal gait. Patient may waddle and the shape of the hip may also change. Pain is triggered when standing up.

Often can observe a particularly protruding area of spine during physical examination which is painful when pressure is applied.



When the nerve endings of the peripheral nerves are chronically damaged, this may cause pain in the peripheral nerves.

Symptoms are accompanied by radiating pain that begins in the lower back that extends to the ends of the legs, which descends along the corresponding nerve segment.


Lumbar Facet Joint Disease

Symptoms include stiffness of the back in the morning and relief of stiffness after some adequate movement.

Changing posture while lying down may trigger shock-like pain of the lower back and dull pain in the pelvis.



In sciatica, pain appears from the back or the hip and radiates towards the legs.

Pain is caused by compression of the nerve roots. Patients are unable to lift heavy objects, and pain appears when twisting or raising both arms.


Restless Leg Syndrome

In restless leg syndrome, senses of discomfort appear in the legs, feet, and the lower limb especially at rest.

It is characterized by alleviated pain during walking and physical exercise.


Lumbar Sprains and Strain

Pain occurs due to abnormal contraction of the muscles.

It may appear as a simple back pain, if the pain progresses and becomes more severe, diagnosis of other diseases must be considered.


Degenerative Lumbar Kyphosis

In degenerative lumbar kyphosis, back pain occurs more frequently due to loss of the spine’s ability to absorb shock. Back pain is accompanied by weakness of the legs and abnormal hunchback spine.


Piriformis Syndrome

Chronic pain, tingling, and numbness begin from the buttocks and radiates towards posterior thighs and even to the feet.

Symptoms appear from deep muscles of buttocks and pain is triggered especially when pressure is applied.


Degenerative Arthritis
of the Knee

Pain and swelling of the joint may last for more than 6 months.
Pain appears when going up and down the stairs,
and when pressure is applied on the affected joint.
It may also result in abnormal gait and bowlegs (O-shaped leg).


Patellofemoral Syndrome

Patellofemoral syndrome is characterized by decreased
cartilage thickness due to increased cartilage stress resulting in patellofemoral pain.

Cracking or popping sound (crepitus) may occur when bending and straightening the knee due to collision of the patella and the femur. Edema with heat occurs in the surrounding area.


Meniscus Tear

In meniscus tear, the patient is unable to bend or straighten the knee. This occurs because a piece of ruptured cartilage gets stuck in between the femur and the tibia.


Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal neuralgia is characterized by a sudden severe facial pain with electric shock-like, tingling, and pricking pain. In this short, unpredictable attack, a sudden stabbing pain on one side of the face also occurs.

This painful attack recurs multiple times throughout the day. Patients also feel pain when washing their face, brushing teeth, eating, talking, touching their face, and etc.


Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

People with TMD can hear clicking or popping sounds from
the temporomandibular joint. This is caused by shifting of
the disc within the joint. The TMJ becomes stiff and painful.
The neck, shoulders, and the head also becomes stiff.

Symptoms such as migraine, chronic fatigue, dizziness, tinnitus, and tearing may also appear.


Atypical Facial Pain

Characterized by stiff and cramping of facial muscles, it may be accompanied by headache.

In most cases, the specific area that causes pain is unclear.


Sciatic Bursitis

In sciatic bursitis, it is difficult to ride a bicycle or a horse for a long period of time.

It is also difficult to sit on the floor for a long time, and to flex or extend the hip joint.


Degenerative Hip Arthritis

The main symptoms are pain, decreased range of motion, and limping. Increased fluid content in the joints, thickened synovial membrane, decreased thickness of joint cartilage, bone destruction, and bony growth can be observed.


Hip Synovitis

Hip synovitis is the inflammation of the synovial membrane surrounding the hip joint. This causes pain in the hip joint area (especially the anterior groin and inner thigh area).

Pain is exacerbated when stepping forward when walking and when crossing legs.


Sacroiliac Pain

Sacroiliac pain is characterized by back pain that can radiate towards the groin area. In severe cases, pain radiates towards the posterior buttocks, down the calf, and along the feet and the toes.

It is painful to sit with crossed legs, and pain is exacerbated when changing posture using pelvic muscles.


Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head

When pressure is applied on the necrotized bone tissue, the necrotized area becomes fractured, which causes pain. As the necrotized tissue breaks down, the hip joint is injured.

Other symptoms include limping and inability to sit with crossed legs. Patient also feels that his legs are shortened.


Medial Epicondylitis
(Golfer’s Elbow)

Pain is exacerbated in certain movements such as twisting wet towels, or turning handles. Patient feels extreme pain when pressure is applied on or below the bony protrusion of the inner side of the elbow while the wrist is flexed.


Lateral Epicondylitis
(Tennis Elbow)

Pain primarily occurs in the bony bump on the outside of the elbow, accompanied by tingling, stiffness, weakness, or increased sensitivity.

This pain is not restricted to the elbow but can also radiate to the wrist.


Trigger Finger

Trigger finger is when inflammation of the affected finger causes narrowing of the space beneath the tendon sheath that surrounds the tendon of the finger. This causes friction as the tendon moves within the tendon sheath during movement of the finger, resulting in snapping sound.

The condition worsens in the mornings when the affected finger can be stuck in a bent position.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is characterized by pain of the wrist and tingling sensation in areas innervated by the median nerve, which includes the area from the thumb to the middle finger, and the palm. This tingling sensation worsens at nights, accompanied by numbness, burning pain, and shock-like sensation.


De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis

In De Quervain's synovitis, the thumb side of the wrist is swollen, accompanied by tenderness and friction sounds. Flexion and extension of the wrist or the fingers are not smooth and painful.

Patients find it difficult to flip frying pans.


(Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex)

Turning handles, pushing against the desk with hands, and opening bottles cause pain and irritation.


Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is characterized by severe pain that is felt upon the first step out of the bed in the mornings. Pain gets worse when trying to extend toes towards the top of the foot.


Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Unlike plantar fasciitis, severe pain occurs especially at nights.

Pain and tingling sensation can be felt on the medial side of the ankle and the sole of the foot. Pain is accompanied by symptoms of irritated nerves including burning and shock-like sensation.


Hallus Valgus

The most common symptom in hallux valgus is pain in the joint of the first metatarsal toe (big toe).

This big toe joint abnormally deviates from the normal position and angles towards the second toe. This causes abnormal protrusion of the joint, which is easily irritated when wearing shoes, causing inflammation, thickening, and pain.


Ankle Sprain

Ankle sprain is when the ankle is severely twisted, causing damage to the ligaments that support the ankle.

If the pain persists for over 6 weeks despite proper treatment for this acute injury, chronic pain is most like to develop.


Ankle Tendonitis

When there is inflammation of the tendon sheath, the tendon beneath it cannot glide easily within the sheath.

Warmth can be felt around the inflamed area, and movement of the tendon can make friction sounds.


Morton’s Neuroma
(Interstitial Neuroma)

The most common symptom is burning pain of the sole when walking which can be accompanied by numbness or tingling of the toes.

Morton’s neuroma is characterized by pain that is triggered by extension of the sole of the foot and the toes, which is relieved by flexion.



Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by chronic non-inflammatory widespread musculoskeletal pain. It is accompanied by chronic fatigue that is not relieved by sleep, and stiffness of the muscles in the mornings.

Fibromyalgia tender points are the 18 areas where patients with fibromyalgia feel pain when they’re pressed due to increased sensitivity. When a patient feels pain in 11 or more of these tender points, they are most likely to be diagnosed with fibromyalgia.


Vulvar Pain

Vulvodynia is a chronic condition characterized by increased sensitivity of the vulvar area where even a slight stimulus can cause discomfort and severe pain, accompanied by burning and stabbing pain.

The mouth of the vagina is often swollen and red. When pressure is applied around the vulvar area, patients feel extreme pain.


Intercostal Neuralgia

Intercostal neuralgia refers to pain around the ribs due to inflammation.

Pain aggravates when taking a deep breath, moving, or coughing. Prickling and tingling sensation is present in the painful area, and light tough can also trigger pain.


Post-herpetic Neuralgia

The risk of developing neuralgia after shingles is low if shingles occurs in the jaw, neck, and the back. Risk is moderate in shingles on the chest area. Risk is extremely high if it occurs in the armpit area where nerve plexus is located, or in the areas of the face supplied by the trigeminal nerve.

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